801 E. Carson Street; Hall “C”



FEBRUARY 28, 2002


7:00 P.M.




CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Economic Development General Manager Winkler at the Community Center, 801 E. Carson Street, Carson, California 90745.


ROLL CALL:           

Present:            Committee Members: Robles-DeWitt, Acosta, J., Acosta, P., Calkins, Catbagan, Everett, Ferguson, Narez, Palicte, Pearl, Perrett, Rogers

                                    Absent:             Caldwell, Mason

Also Present:    Margarita Cruz, Redevelopment Manager

                        Steve Masura, Redevelopment Project Manager

Robin Harris, Legal Counsel

                        Ernest Glover, GRC Redevelopment Consultants

                        Belinda Hayes, Redevelopment Secretary




Chair Robles DeWitt: We’re a little bit late.  This is the Project Area Committee meeting 2 and I welcome that if at any point the audience has questions please feel free to ask.  I don’t know if you got an agenda so you can see that we follow a certain format.  I’ll see that you get copies. 


Margarita Cruz: Belinda is going to run copies and see that they are distributed.


Chair Robles Dewitt: We’ll call this meeting to order.  Approval of absences?


Margarita Cruz: We have to call roll and also we’re gonna turn around ask to see if you can put 5.2 a little bit earlier. 


Robles Dewitt: Okay.


Cruz: I’m sorry.  Do you want to do roll call?


Hayes: We can do roll call.  Chair Vera Robles Dewitt?


Robles Dewitt: Here.


Hayes: Vice Chair Joe Palicte?


Palicte: Here.


Hayes: Joe Acosta?


J. Acosta: Here.


Hayes: Pamela Acosta


P. Acosta: Here.


Hayes: Thomas Perrett


Perrett: Here.


Hayes: Dennis Calkins?


Calkins: Here.


Hayes: Sharron Ferguson?


Ferguson: Here


Hayes: Brenda Mason?


Hayes: Neva Rogers?


Rogers: Here.


Hayes: Terry Everett?


Everett: Here.


Hayes: Brad Pearl?


Hayes: Lois Campbell?


Hayes: Trinidad Catbagan?


Catbagan: Here.


Hayes: Ana Narez?


Narez: Here


Robles Dewitt: Okay are these excused absences?


Hayes: I haven’t gotten any calls.


Robles Dewitt: So nobody’s called in?


Hayes: No


Ferguson: Mason I think resigned.


Robles Dewitt: I saw a resignation on Mason.


Hayes: Okay.


Stephanie Livas: Yes, we even have an open application on that seat.


Robles Dewitt: Well we might make note that we’ll excuse them tonight, but in the future they’ll need to let you know if they’re not going to be here.


Cruz:  Who was the other person


Robles Dewitt: Uh, Brad and Lois.


Cruz: We will contact them and them that they follow that procedure.


Robles Dewitt: Under approval of the agenda, I have been asked to move up item 5.2 to just after the approval of the minutes.  Any other changes to the agenda?  Then the agenda will stand with the moving of item 5.2 to after number 2.  Moving to approval of the minutes for the February 7, 2002 meeting.  I saw a mistake and I don’t know if Joe was aware of it.  They have Joe Palicte as the Vice Chair and I thought it was Joe Acosta.


Palicte:  I thought we voted.


Robles Dewitt: Joe, did you not volunteer to be the Vice Chair


J. Acosta: Yes, I did


Robles Dewitt: So I think we need to correct the minutes under item 3 for February 7th, it’s Joe Acosta.  We have a lot of Joes.  Are there any other changes to the minutes or corrections?


Perrett: When I voted the last time for the Chairman, I was voting for a person by the name that was on my roster of Vera Robles.  And if I had known that Vera Robles had a hyphenated name, I would have probably voted differently.


Robles Dewitt: It’s not a hyphenated name.


Perrett: Dewitt, hyphen Dewitt


Robles Dewitt: Dewitt is my married name


Perrett: I understand


Robles Dewitt: It’s not a hyphenated name.  They put a hyphen, but I’m not a hyphenated.  I don’t put a hyphen


Perrett: Well then there’s another mistake on the thing there and I didn’t recognize you as such.  Like I say I would have voted differently.  However, I think we have another problem.  We have one person on this committee that voted twice by definition.


Robles Dewitt: Okay, I think we need to bring that up. It’s not on the agenda.  The Council was apprised of that when they approved the committees and membership.


Perrett: According to the by-laws, you haven’t changed the by-laws.  We weren’t given a complete set of by-laws at the last time either.  It’s pretty difficult to do anything if we are not supplied with this information before we come to the meeting.  It’s too late after we come to the meeting.


Robles Dewitt: I agree with you.  So your concern is that you still don’t have a complete set of the by-laws?


Perrett:  They weren’t handed out to me and I don’t understand how you can run a committee when you have a person on the committee that can vote twice and you say well we’ll put that aside or something like that.  There was no notification that this was going to be going on, on this board.


Robles DeWitt: Could you explain?


Perrett: Pardon?


Cruz: Could you explain the voting twice?


Robles Dewitt: But it’s not on the agenda and it’s out of order to bring that up.


Perrett: It’s a point of order.


Robles Dewitt: Okay, you want to put that as a point of order. Okay.

Perrett: Point of order.  I don’t want to let it go and then a couple months later that this occurred because it is clearly stated in the by-laws that…” a committee member can only vote once.”


Chair Robles DeWitt: Noted that the minutes reflected that Joe Palicte volunteered to act as Vice-Chairman, but should have shown Joe Acosta as the PAC member selected to serve as Vice-Chairman.


Member Ferguson motioned, seconded by Member Everett that the minutes be approved with modifications.  Motion passed unanimously.


Member Perrett stated that he would like to know why the entire contents of the previous meeting was not included in the minutes and requested to have the minutes delivered to the PAC members 2-3 days following the meeting.


Margarita Cruz informed the PAC that Belinda Hayes, Redevelopment Secretary, would be present at all PAC meetings to record the minutes and that it may be possible to have the minutes within 5 working days after the meeting.



Item (5.2) was taken out of order.  Ernest Glover of GRC Redevelopment Consultants, informed the PAC that their desire is to begin identifying the issues of individual PAC members, starting with who each member is, what they would like to achieve, what they feel are important issues, and what projects they would like to see done.  Mr. Glover also stated that the information received from the PAC would be very helpful and begin to get a list that does not come from staff or their research, but from PAC members.  Mr. Glover asked that each member introduce themselves and give a brief description of what they would like to accomplish.  Mr. Glover also stated that a complete list would be provided in the next meeting’s minute packet.


Margarita Cruz stated that the concept is that there are many members with different ideas about what they want to try accomplish with this PAC.  She also stated that the PAC would delve further into the roles and the legal roles of the PAC.


Member Rogers stated that she thought that the purpose of the PAC was to act only in the occurrence of eminent domain and that the PAC virtually had no say in redevelopment issues, so in effect what good would it do to express their concerns if they have no say.


Mr. Glover gave a brief description of his redevelopment background, including the fact that he has been working with PACs for the last 11 years.  He stated that one general concern of most PACs is that they don’t understand what they are.  He explained that the role of the PAC to oversee the preparation of the plan from its inception until the time that it is adopted and to make recommendation to the City Council.  Mr. Glover further explained that the PAC also reviews the project after it is adopted especially those related to housing, sets goals for projects, and determines how eminent domain is used.


Margarita Cruz suggested that each committee state their goals and/or purpose for joining the PAC:

·        Committee Member Perrett – Wants the City of Carson to be more economic adoptive and competitive.  He shared his experience about shopping and seeing the lack of customer service up close.  He also stated the he would like to see a more friendly labor force and perhaps a shopper program to ensure better customer service.  He also shared his experience with the eminent domain and how negative it was for him.  He wants the citizens of Carson to be informed about their rights when it comes to eminent domain.

·        Committee Member P. Acosta – stated her interest for being on the PAC is to advocate for Carson citizens who do not represent themselves and to also make sure that the decisions made are legally and morally acceptable in the humane aspect

·        Vice Chair J. Acosta – stated that views Carson a blue collar, hard-working community, and that his main reason for joining the PAC is to ensure that the proper use of eminent domain.  Member Acosta also expressed his concern regarding the City Council serving as the Redevelopment Board.  Robin Harris, Legal Counsel, responded by stating the Redevelopment Law provides for that and almost all Redevelopment Boards are same the City Council.  Member Acosta stated that he felt that this should be considered a conflict of interest.  Margarita Cruz stated in the past PACs were appointed by the City Council, but that is not the case any longer.  Robin Harris indicated that the City Council adopted an ordinance naming the City Council as the Redevelopment Agency, and that this was established when the city was founded.

·        Committee Member Everett – stated his reason for joining the PAC was to get an understanding of how redevelopment works.  He also stated that he feels that city needs more housing and more jobs bringing more money into the city.

·        Committee Member Pearl – stated that his background was retail commercial development and redevelopment and that he is actually involved in the property in the redevelopment area.  He stated that his purpose for joining the PAC was to like to offer his expertise he might have in helping the city receive a commercial facelift.

·        Committee Member Rogers – stated that her work experience was in real estate finance and she felt that the PAC was in her niche.  She also stated that she has always been an activist and that this might be something she would like to do.

·        Committee Member Calkins – stated that when he initially attended the Town Hall Meeting he thought it had something to do with the K Mart development going up near his home.  He stated after he read the initial study report after the Town Hall Meeting and joined the PAC because of his concerns.

·        Committee Member Ferguson – stated that she has lived in the city for the last 12 years and has served on other commissions.  She also stated that her main reason for joining the PAC was her concern regarding eminent domain.

·        Committee Member Catbagan – stated that she was representing a homeowner’s association and has lived in Carson for 10 years.  She also expressed her desire to be involved in the writing and adoption of the General Plan.

·        Committee Member Narez – stated that she has lived in the City of Carson for over 42 years.  She expressed her desire to represent the Latino community and the League of United Latin American Citizens and to ensure that information is properly disseminated.

·        Committee Member Palicte – stated that he has lived in the city of Carson since its incorporation.  He also stated that he would like to learn more about city government and that he is concerned about eminent domain and has experienced it first hand.  Member Perrett shared his negative experience with eminent domain.

·        Chair Robles Dewitt – stated her reason for being a part of the committee is because of her concern about the lack of information given to the people.  She also stated that she felt that there is a lot of secrecy in the City of Carson.  Chair Robles Dewitt informed the PAC that she has been an elected official, that she has been on both sides of the fence, and that eminent domain is a scary situation.


Margarita Cruz informed the PAC that she is Redevelopment Manager, the division head for Redevelopment, and that Ron Winkler is the Economic Development General Manager.  She also informed everyone that 2 new employees would be joining the Redevelopment staff on Monday.  Ms. Cruz indicated that she got into the field of redevelopment because of her strong sense of social responsibility and wanting to create jobs and housing.  She also stated that she came from a low-income background and attended Garfield High School, and is very aware of the issues regarding the community and empowering the community.


ITEM NO. (3.1)         PAC SCHEDULE


Ernest Glover went over the complete PAC schedule with the committee.  He stated that on March 21, 2002, the PAC would receive three documents to look over, the Preliminary Report, the draft Environmental Impact Report, and the draft Redevelopment Plan.  He also stated that the PAC would discuss the content of the plan at the 4th PAC meeting on April 11, 2002.


Chair Robles Dewitt expressed her concern regarding the Town Hall meeting scheduled for March 28, 2002, and the fact that the PAC would not be prepared to address items brought up at the meeting in reference to those documents.


Mr. Glover stated that the Town Hall meeting would not be focusing on those documents, but rather on bringing the community up to date on the progress of projects and to hear their concerns. 


Member Everett requested that the PAC discuss eminent domain at the 3rd meeting, March 21, 2002, due to the fact that the first Town Hall meeting focused on that subject.  He also stated that this would give PAC members the opportunity to be better prepared to address the issues and concerns of the community.


Margarita Cruz stated that the committee could switch out the General Plan discussion with a discussion on eminent domain at the 3rd meeting.


The committee agreed to move the discussion of eminent domain from the 4th PAC meeting, April 11, 2002, to the 3rd PAC meeting, March 21, 2002, and to move the discussion of the Redevelopment Plan down to the 4th meeting.


Margarita Cruz stated that a public acquisitions lawyer or someone that specializes in the area would be brought in to explain eminent domain.


Mr. Glover stated that meetings 4 and 5 would be dedicated to discussing the Plan, and that meeting 6 would be dedicated to the committee’s recommendations and the future PAC schedule.




Chair Robles Dewitt stated that the General Plan update would not be addressed at this meeting or at the next meeting.  Chair Robles Dewitt requested a copy of the current General Plan for the committee.


Margarita Cruz informed the committee that a copy of the Plan would be provided for each of the committee members.


ITEM NO. (3.3)         LEGAL COUNSEL


Chair Robles Dewitt expressed her concern in regard to having a City hired attorney, and whether the committee had the opportunity to hire their own attorney.  Chair Robles Dewitt distributed a copy of the Senated Bill introduced by Senator Margett in regard to legal counsel being selected by the committee.


Robin Harris informed the committee that the PAC could make a recommendation to the City Council for funds to be allocated for legal counsel.  She also stated that the City Council has the option to provide equivalent resources, which could include providing the services of the City Attorney.


Chair Robles Dewitt asked the committee if they were interested in pursuing the request for funds for their own legal counsel.


Vice Chair Acosta moved, seconded by Member Perrett, that the committee make a request to the City Counsel to provide outside legal counsel for the PAC.  Vote carried as follows:


Aye:                 Robles Dewitt, Acosta, J., Acosta, P., Calkins, Everett, Ferguson, Narez, Palicte, Pearl, Perrett, Rogers


                                    No:                  None


                        Abstain:            Catbagan


Motion carried.


ITEM NO. (4.1)         BY-LAWS


Chair Robles Dewitt stated that the by-laws were distributed at the last meeting along with Exhibit A.


Member Perrett requested that the committee discuss item .7 in Exhibit A.


Chair Robles Dewitt stated that the City Council approved the way the PAC was structured, and that the Council actually approved that the elections were held according to the correct procedures.  However, she asked Robin Harris (City Attorney) to define and clarify the word “person” as it pertains to the election of a committee member.  After no immediate response, Chair Robles DeWitt stated that “maybe legal counsel did not plan to participate in the discussion.


Cruz:  Asked Robin again if she could give clarification to the committee.  Receiving no response, due to fact that Ms. Harris was writing the question for further research, and conversing with another attendee, Ms. Cruz walked over and asked again, and pointed out the correct document in question.


Robin Harris then clarified that each member of a household qualifies as two distinct individuals and separate votes.  Ms. Harris also defined the term “person” as being ambiguous; however, it is not clearly stated as being a household or an individual.


Chair Robles DeWitt:  Asked if any applications had been received for filling the vacancies, and when would appointments for these vacancies be made.  Vacancies need to be filled fast.


Stephanie Livas:  Yes, one so far, but she would further verify this number.


Chair Robles Dewitt moved, seconded by Member Ferguson, that the by-laws be approved.  Motion Carried unanimously.


ITEM NO. (4.2)         PAC VACANCIES


Chair Robles Dewitt stated that they would be appointing people to fill vacancies on the committee.  She also stated that members of the same family could serve on the committee as long as they fit into the proper category.


Ernest Glover requested that the application deadline be extended until April 1, 2002 and that appointment of new members be delayed until May, 2002.




Discussion of this item was deferred to the 4th PAC meeting, April 11, 2002.




Ernest Glover of GRC Redevelopment Consultants provided the committee with a PowerPoint presentation on the various aspects of the redevelopment process, which included information on: the General Plan, what redevelopment can and can not do, the Preliminary Plan, and the role of the PAC.  Each committee member received a copy of the information from the Power Point presentation.


Member Palicte inquired about how to make a proposal to build something in Carson.


Mr. Glover referred back to information in the presentation and gave an explanation of the process.


Chair Robles Dewitt expressed her concern regarding the way deals are made with developers and the favoritism that may be involved in the process.  She also wanted to know how the PAC could address this issue, especially if these items are discussed in closed session.


Mr. Glover explained that negotiations are made in closed session because it is usually in the best financial interest for the City.


Masura:  He added that items of discussion include matters of a confidential nature, i.e., process for purchasing property, process to find development location, process to find developer, etc.


Everrett:  Stated that there are time limitations on eminent domain efforts.


Calkins:  Asked how the value of property is assessed where there is no redevelopment?


Ernie Glover: Answered that the assessed value from County records is generally used. (inaudible, due to others talking, but this is what was heard.)






ITEM NO. (7)            STAFF COMMENTS


Steve Masura, Redevelopment Project Manager, introduced himself and gave the committee a brief description of his redevelopment background.  He also informed the PAC that he will keep them informed about eminent domain, and encouraged the committee to contact staff  with any questions they might have.


ITEM NO. (8)            PUBLIC COMMENT






The next meeting of the PAC will be held on March 21, 2002, at 7:00 P.M. at the Carson Community Center, 801 E. Carson Street.


ITEM NO. (10)          ADJOURNMENT


At 9:40 P.M.