Union South Bay (formerly known as The Avalon Mixed-Use Project) Share Print Project Name: The Avalon Project Address: 21521-21601 S Avalon Blvd Property Owner: Carson Avalon Properties LLC Project Applicant: Faring Capital Project Architect: Steinberg/TSK Applications: General Plan Amendment No. 95-2014 Zone Change No. 172-14 Specific Plan No. 12-2014 Design Overlay Review No. 1567-14 Sign Program No. 19-2014 Status: On May 26, 2015, the Planning Commission recommended approval to City Council. On June 3, 2015, the City Council approved the project. Project Planner: Richard Rojas, AICP, Senior Planner Exhibits: Site Map Floor Plans Elevations Public Plaza Plan Sign Program Specific Plan CEQA Review: Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration Appendix A - Air Quality & Greenhouse Gas Emissions Appendix B - Geotechnical Appendix C - Hazardous Materials (67 MB) Appendix D - Hydrology & Water Quality Appendix E - Noise Appendix F - Traffic Study Project Description: The application includes a General Plan Amendment to change the land use designations of Regional Commercial and Mixed-Use Residential to Urban Residential, Zone Change to change the zoning map designations from CR-D (Regional Commercial - Design Overlay) and MU-CS (Mixed-Use Carson Street) to Specific Plan, proposal for a new Specific Plan, Design Review for 357 multi-family residential units, and a Sign Program. The proposed project is divided into two structures, separated by a 17,000 square-foot courtyard for residents and guests. The eastern building ("Podium") at the corner of Avalon Boulevard and Carson Street is podium type construction of five stories that includes three stories of residential units above 32,000 square feet of ground floor retail and restaurant uses, with two levels of garage and one level of subterranean parking garage. The westerly building ("Wrap") front Carson Street includes four stories of residential units wrapped around a residential parking garage. An approximately 10,000 square foot landscaped public plaza will be provided at the corner of Avalon Boulevard and Carson Street at street level. The ground floor commercial activity will invite a pedestrian shopping experience. The Podium building will provide 221 residential units and the Wrap building will provide 136 residential units. The project's average residential units size will be +/- 758 square feet. Proposed open space will include 2.43 acres of amenities including 44,500 square feet of courtyards, a 26,400 square foot exercise path and gated dog park, the 10,000 square foot public plaza, and approximately 10,000 square feet of common recreational amenities including a fitness center, swimming pools, outdoor barbeque areas, community garden, and outdoor fireplace.