Upcoming Live: City Council Meeting, Tuesday, 9/17/2024, 5:00 PM Livestreamed on Cable Spectrum Channel 35 and AT&T Channel 99 PUBLIC VIEWING AVAILABLE BY: Livestream on the City’s website Cable TV: Spectrum (Channel 35) and ATT (Channel 99) PUBLIC COMMENTS CAN BE MADE AT/VIA: Email: Public comments can be emailed to cityclerk@carsonca.gov. The cut-off time to submit any email communications is 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Written: Written comments can be dropped off at the City Clerk’s Office or in the white box outside City Hall. The cut-off time to submit any written communications is 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Written comments placed in the outside Drop Box or any email received will not be read aloud at Council Meeting but will be circulated to the City Council and incorporated into the record. The Oral Communications portion of the agenda is limited to a duration of one hour unless otherwise approved by the City Council. Comment time is normally 3 minutes depending on number of speakers. While participating, please state your name and identify the agenda item you wish to address in your comments. Rules of Decorum Live Broadcast