Does the LYFTCARSON have an expiration date?
The City code is currently active and available for use until further notice.
How do I secure the discount price for my ride?
The promo code must be applied to your Lyft user profile PRIOR to requesting your ride.
Open the app and select the menu bar (top left-corner), Select "Promos" and enter promo code: LyftCarson.
To receive 50% off, your pick-up AND drop-off locations must reside within the boundaries of Carson.
How can I contact Lyft's customer service?
Lyft' main online help center can be found
Lost and Found
Are my kids allowed to request and take their own rides?
Participants requesting a ride must be 18 years of age or older. Minors (17 years of age or under) are allowed to take Lyft rides WITH adult accompaniment.
Can I request a Lyft ride for a friend or family member?
Yes. As long as they are 18 years of age or older, and the trip Starts AND Ends within the boundaries of
Carson. Click "Search Destination" on the home page of the app, enter their pick-up and drop-off location, then select "Done" on the top right-hand corner. Once Lyft matches you with a driver, call or text your driver to give them a head’s up that they will be picking up your friend or family member, not you.