During the November 2022 General Municipal Election, Carson residents will be able to vote on Measure R: the continuation of the 2% Utility Users Tax (or “UUT”). If approved, the Measure Rontinues the 2% UUT and could provide approximately $8 million annually, until the UUT is ended by Carson voters. Measure R does not remove any accountability requirements (e.g., the Citizen Oversight Committee). All revenue from Measure R would continue to stay within Carson.
The 2% tax is collected from Carson residents and businesses by utility service providers (e.g. Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas) and is remitted to the City of Carson. This tax revenue is used to fund a variety of services, including sheriff and park safety patrols, senior and youth services, and parks and street maintenance programs.
How Measure R will appear on your November 2022 ballot:
"To maintain City services such as 911 emergency response, public safety; natural disaster/public health emergency preparedness; protect local drinking water; repair streets/potholes and other general City services, shall the measure, continuing the existing 2% Utility Users Tax (no tax increase) limited to electric/gas utilities, exempting senior and low-income households, providing approximately $8,000,000 annually until ended by voters, requiring public spending disclosure, all funds for Carson,
be adopted?"
Before you vote in the election, please learn more about Measure R on this webpage. Click/tap the links in this table to go to a specific section:
How Utility Users Tax (UUT) Works
Generally a UUT is a tax approved by local voters, and assessed on a utility user who uses various utilities to raise funds for that jurisdiction. In Carson, two utility service providers (Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas) collect the tax from residents and businesses using utilities, then remit to the City of Carson. The UUT only includes electricity and gas utilities. The UUT does not affect any other utilities, such as water, telephone, cellphone or cable utilities.
It is estimated that Measure R could generate approximately $8 million per year for the funding of general City services (until ended by voters), such as:
- 911 emergency response, natural disaster and public health emergency preparedness
- Protecting local drinking water
- Repairing streets and potholes, and
- Other general City services
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About Measure R
Measure R is a "general tax", not a "special tax". The revenues collected could be used on any general City services such as 911 emergency response, natural disaster and public health emergency preparedness, protecting local drinking water, and repairing streets and potholes, and other general City services.
On March 3, 2009, Carson voters originally approved Measure R imposing a 2% Utility Users Tax (UUT) on natural gas and electric usage for seven years (July 1, 2009, to July 1, 2016). The vote was 69.4% Yes to 30.6% No. On June 7, 2016, Carson voters approved an extension of the expiration date of the Utility Users Tax by seven (7) years from June 30, 2016, to June 30, 2023. The vote was 69.46% Yes to 30.54% No.
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Community Needs & Priorities
If approved by a majority of voters, Measure R would allow the City to meet community needs. Per a recent community survey, some of these needs are:
- Protecting local drinking water
- Maintaining public safety
- Cleaning up contaminated soil and groundwater from toxic chemical runoff
- Maintaining 911 emergency response
- Cleaning up trash and blight on local streets
- Keeping public area clean and safe
- Repairing local streets and potholes
- Retaining local businesses and jobs
- Addressing homelessness, and
- Maintaining gang prevention programs
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For more information about Measure R:
City Manager's Office
(310) 952-1730
For more information about the City Council election:
Visit the
Information webpage or contact the City Clerk's Office:
(310) 952-1720
Llame a la Ciudad al 310-830-7600 si necesita información en español.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a Utility Users Tax (UUT)?
Generally a UUT is a tax approved by local voters, and assessed on a utility user who uses various utilities to raise funds for that jurisdiction. In Carson, two utility service providers (Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas) collect the tax from residents and businesses using utilities, then remit to the City of Carson.
What is the current UUT rate in Carson?
The current UUT rate in Carson is 2%.
Would Measure R increase the UUT rate?
No. If passed, Measure R would not change the UUT’s current 2% rate.
How does Carson’s 2% UUT rate compare with our neighboring cities?
As of January 2021, 158 cities in California have UUTs. Here are some examples of utility users taxes charged by nearby cities:
- Los Angeles: 9% on communications; 10% on electricity and gas.
- Long Beach: 5% on telephone, electricity, gas and water.
- Torrance: 6.5% on telephone, prepaid wireless, electricity, cogeneration, cable and gas; 6% on water.
- Downey: 4.8% on Telecommunications; 5% on electricity and gas.
Who pays UUT in Carson?
Commercial and industrial consumers pay the majority of the total.
Is anyone exempt from the UUT?
- Senior Citizens (ages 62 or older) and Low-Income Households are exempt from the UUT.
- Low-income households must apply annually to qualify for exemption.
- Please see UUT Exemption Information section for information about how the City defines "low-income" households.
Is Measure R a general tax or a special tax?
Measure R is a “general tax”, not a “special tax.” The revenues collected could be used on any general City services such as 911 emergency response, natural disaster and public health emergency preparedness, protecting local drinking water, and repairing streets and potholes, and other general City services.
When is the current UUT set to expire?
The UUT is set to expire on July 1, 2023.
How does the City currently use revenue from the UUT?
This tax revenue is used to fund a variety of City services, such as 911 emergency response, natural disaster and public health emergency preparedness, protecting local drinking water, repairing streets and potholes, and other general City services.
Who do I talk to if I have questions about the UUT?
Call the Revenue Division staff at (310) 952-1748.
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Documents and Election Information
To vote on Measure R in the City of Carson, you need to register to vote by the October 24, 2022 deadline:
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UUT Exemption Information
On March 3, 2009, Carson voters approved Measure R imposing a 2% Utility Users Tax (UUT) on natural gas and electric usage for seven years (July 1, 2009, to July 1, 2016). On June 7, 2016, the voters of the City of Carson approved an extension of the expiration date of the Utility Users Tax by seven (7) years from June 30, 2016, to June 30, 2023.
The 2% tax is collected from Carson residents and businesses by utility service providers (e.g. Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas) and is remitted to the City of Carson. This tax revenue is used to fund a variety of services, including sheriff and park safety patrols, senior and youth services, and parks and street maintenance programs.
Instructions: To apply for the 2% exemption off your electric and natural gas bills, applicants must provide qualifying documentation for one of the following categories: (1) Senior Citizen or (2) Low Income Household.
- If you are a Senior Citizen (62 years of age or older), submit an
Application for UUT Exemption
(Spanish ,
Tagalog), and:
- Proof of Age (attach copy of California Driver’s License, State ID Card, or passport), and;
- Copy of the most recent electric and/or natural gas bill(s) showing applicant’s name, current service address, and account number(s).
- If you are a Low Income Household, submit an
Application for UUT Exemption and Addendum
Tagalog), and;
- Proof of income for applicant and all household members, as listed on UUT Exemption Addendum. Provide documents verifying that total gross annual household income falls below income limits and household size. Refer to Table 1 below, and;
- A copy of the most recent electric and/or natural gas bill(s) showing applicant’s name, current service address, and account number(s).
Persons In Household |
Total Gross Annual Income |
1 |
$66,750 |
2 |
$76,200 |
3 |
$85,800 |
4 |
$95,300 |
5 |
$102,950 |
6 |
$110,550 |
7 |
$118,200 |
8 |
$125,800 |
- If you are a senior citizen or low income tenant/resident in a mobilehome park or multi-family development and utilities are paid to a property manager, you must apply for a refund through the property manager. A Request for Refund form must be submitted to the City by the property manager with proper documentation. Submitted documentation are copies of utility payments and copies of the most recent electric and/or natural gas bill(s) showing applicant’s name, current service address or space number, and account number(s).
- Instructions for Utility Providers
Please refer to the links below for the appropriate forms and further information:
Claims for refund must be submitted in writing by completing and returning the Request for Refund form. Any business or resident that self-procures its utility service(s) must complete the Declaration of Self Procured Utilities form by clicking the link above. You may be responsible for self-reporting and self-remitting the UUT based on usage, if a third party does not do so on your behalf.
Any questions regarding the City's UUT Program, please call the Revenue Division staff at (310) 952-1748.