Commissions, Committees and Boards

Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Commission

Meets: 6:30 p.m.; last Thursday of the month   Carson Event Center, East Wing Activity Room
Staff Name: Michael Whittiker Jr., x3571; Kimberly Madrigal, x3581
The Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Commission will be a functioning arm of the City structure, as all other appointed commissions, and will be the responsibility of and staffed by the Community Services Department.

The functions of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Commission shall be to advise and recommend to the City Council and City staff on all matters relating to parks, recreation, and cultural arts and shall also:

1. Act in an advisory capacity to the City Council in all matters pertaining to parks, public recreation and cultural arts, and to cooperate with other governmental agencies and civic groups in the advancement of sound park and recreation planning and programming.

2. Formulate general policies on recreation services and cultural art activities for approval by the City Council.

3. Advise with the Recreation and Cultural Arts staff on the development of recreation areas, facilities, programs, cultural art presentations, and improved recreational services.

4. Recommend the adoption of standards on organization, areas and facilities, programs, cultural art presentations and financial support.

5. Make periodic inventories of recreation services and cultural arts activities that exist, or may be needed, and interpret the needs of the public to the City Council.

6. Interpret the policies and functions of the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Commission to the public.

7. Advise the Director of Community Services in the preparation of the annual budget of the Department and a long-range recreation capital improvement program before it is presented to the City Council. (Ord. 69-65, § 1; Ord. 12-1506, § 6)

NameOffice HeldTerm
Shannon Lawrence 12/3/2024 - 11/30/2026
Kisa Hilliard 12/3/2024 - 11/30/2024
Jo Jacqueline Johnson Alt. 2 12/3/2024 - 11/30/2026
Kelvin Brown, Sr. Calidonio Alt.1 12/3/2024 - 11/30/2026
Kimberly Cortado 6/20/2023 - 11/30/2024
Rudolfo Brillantes Alt. 3 12/3/2024 - 11/30/2026
Walter Gonzalez 12/3/2024 - 11/30/2026
Edwina Hunter 12/6/2022 - 11/30/2024
Oscar Ramos 12/3/2024 - 11/30/2026
Cesar Dahilig, Jr. 12/3/2024 - 11/30/2026
Jesus-Alex Cainglet 12/6/2022 - 11/30/2024
DeAnthony Langston 12/3/2024 - 11/30/2026
Upcoming Meetings/Notices
No upcoming events are currently available.

City Hall Contact

701 E Carson Street
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 830-7600, 7 AM - 6 PM
Monday - Thursday
24-hour automated: (310) 952-1700


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