Household, Emergency Contacts
Children, Pets, Services, Reunion
Special Needs, Health Care Providers
First Aid Information
Before, During & After Emergencies
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Floods, Winter Storms
Tornadoes, Lightning, Heat, Hurricanes
Fires, Chemical & Biological Agents
Utilities, Household Map
Home Safety Checklist
Emergency Supply Checklist
Home Safety Checklist |
Review checklist and identity things you need to do.
Take First Aid and CPR. Keep First Aid book handy.
Make a priority list of things to do.
Meet with household twice a year. Review emergency plan.
Housing Structure & Ground Stability |
Know the threats that can affect your area (tornado, earthquakes,
Check with local building officials and engineers to find out
What type of ground is under your house. (This affects its
What changes you may need to make your house structurally safe.
For example: If you live in an earthquake area, have your house inspected for unsafe construction (i.e., unreinforced masonry, non-ductile
concrete) and stability of the ground under you home. Bolting and bracing
wood frame buildings to foundation can make them safer during an earthquake.
Home Security |
Doors & Windows
Lock doors at all times
Install good quality deadbolt locks on all entrance doors.
Install peepholes or wide-angle viewers accessible to everyone.
Do not open the door to anybody you do not know.
Install keyed locking devices that secure the doors frame. Sliding glass
can be the easiest point of entry. Place a bar along the track to
prevent the doors from being opened.
Install devices to prevent the windows from being opened more than a
couple of inches. Make sure you can escape from a fire.
Prune shrubbery that can hide windows - especially basement windows.
Lightning |
Keep indoor lighting on.
Install motion detector lighting
Install outdoor lighting. Place some lights out of reach from ground.
Aim lighting away from house so you can see if anybody is approaching.
When You are away from Home |
Stop newspaper delivery. Hold your mail or ask a neighbor to pick it
Ask a neighbor to tend your yard and watch your home.
Never leave messages on answering machine indicating you are away.
Fire Safety |
Inside the Home
Install smoke detectors. Test and change batteries biannually.
Install a home sprinkler system.
Keep fire extinguisher near stove (5 lb., ABC type). Train family and
Put out unattended cigarettes, candles. Recycle paper right away.
Remove toxic and flammable materials from home and yard ...
When using, ventilate and keep clear of heat sources and fire.
When storing, use tightly close, unbreakable, fire-safe containers.
Label properly. Keep away from heat, direct sunlight and small children.
Keep drapes, combustibles at least 3 feet away from heat sources.
Outside the Home
Create a "defensible space" at least 30 feet (10 meters) by removing
brush around house. Keep flammable materials 30 feet (10 meters)
away. Prune branches away from roof. Clear gutters. Maintain
Build roof or reroof with fire resistant materials.
Mark water sources or hydrant and maintain easy firefighter access.
Mark decks fire resistant.
Plant fire resistant plants.
Open burn only when/where permitted.
Request branches cleared from power lines.
Medication & Chemical Safety |
Remove unnecessary chemicals and medications from home.
Keep medications and chemical away from children. Use child-resistant
caps. Lock cabinets and storage areas.
Label all chemicals and medications.
Neighborhood Safety |
Meet with your neighbors at least once a year. Get to know them.
Create a personal support network. Identify a neighbor. Agree to
watch each other's home when you are away. Check on each other after
a disaster. Swap keys and lists of whom to notify in an emergency.
Start a Neighbor Watch program and meet periodically.
Attend talks on neighbor crime watch and emergency response.
Encourage your block to prepare a neighborhood preparedness plan.
Report unusual or suspicious behavior to the local law enforcement.