The City of Carson's Emergency Operations Plan addresses the City's planned
response to extraordinary emergency situations associated with natural or
man-made disasters under an all-hazards approach. This plan does not apply to
normal day-to-day emergencies incidents or the established departmental
procedures used to cope with such emergencies. Instead, this plan focuses on
operational concepts that would be implemented in large-scale disasters, which
can pose major threats to life, property, and the environment, requiring unusual
emergency responses. This plan accomplishes the following:
- Establishes the Emergency Management Organization required to mitigate any significant emergency or disaster affecting the City.
- Identifies the roles and responsibilities required to protect the health and safety of City residents, public and private property, and the environmental, due to natural or human-caused emergency disasters.
- Establishes the operational concepts associated with a field response to emergencies, the City's Emergency Operation Center (EOC) activities and the recovery process.