Zoning Code Update

Zoning Code Update Logo Welcome to the City of Carson's Comprehensive Zoning Code Update web page! The City is updating the Carson Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to be consistent with and implement the 2040 General Plan, and the Housing Element. This page provides updates, opportunities for input and interim reports and products released during the process.

This collaborative effort began with the 2040 General Plan update through its subsequent adoption by the City Council on April 4, 2023. The City is committed with moving the 2040 General Plan vision and goals forward as we process the Draft Comprehensive Zoning Code update. The Zoning Code Update is broken into two (2) phases: Phase 1 focuses on Residential and Mixed-Use Regulations and Phase 2 focuses on non-residential uses including Mixed Use Business, Commercial and Industrial.

Engaging the community is important and your participation in this process is encouraged. To register for updates or if you have any questions regarding this effort, contact the Planning Team at zoningcodeupdate@carsonca.gov and visit www.carson2040.com for additional information.

What's New in the Zoning! On January 31, 2024, in a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. in the Helen Kawagoe City Council Chambers located in City Hall, the Draft Zoning Code Ordinance Phase 1 and Zoning Map Amendment Phase 1 project was presented to the Planning Commission for consideration to recommend approval to the City Council. The Planning Commission unanimously voted for recommending approval.
Date Change: The Draft Zoning Code Update and Zoning Map Amendment Phase 1 will be presented to the City Council on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.
Visit www.carson2040.com for more information and please continue monitoring this page - the Community Development Zoning Code Update webpage - for updates.
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701 E Carson Street
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 830-7600, 7 AM - 6 PM
Monday - Thursday
24-hour automated: (310) 952-1700


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