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Small Business Grant Programs

Los Angeles County Economic Opportunity Grant (EOG)
On January 26, 2023, the Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) announced the launch of the first phase of the Economic Opportunity Grant (EOG) program for small and microbusinesses, and non-profit agencies in LA County. EOG will award more than $54 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds across 6,800 grants in a phased rollout to regions and organizations adversely affected by COVID-19. For more information, please visit LA County’s Department of Economic Opportunity grant website at:

City of Carson Commercial Façade Improvement Program
The Commercial Façade Improvement Program is open and available for Carson business owners and/or property owners to apply! The Commercial Façade Improvement Program provides Carson businesses and commercial property owners with matching grants to improve their storefronts and enhance the City’s major commercial corridors. To apply for the program, please visit the Commercial Façade Improvement Program webpage and fill out an application: 
City of Carson
Community Development Department
701 E. Carson St
Carson, CA 90749
(310) 952-1700

Monday – Thursday:
7:00 am - 6:00 pm
(Excluding Holidays)

Community Development Department
(310) 952-1301

City Hall Contact

701 E Carson Street
Carson, CA 90745
(310) 830-7600, 7 AM - 6 PM
Monday - Thursday
24-hour automated: (310) 952-1700


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