Planning Agenda

[ARCHIVE] Year 2016 Agenda. Click here to view year 2024 Agenda.

DateAddressProject NoProject SummaryApplicantDocumentsMinutes
12/13/2016436 E. Pacific Street CUP 1007-16 Consider approval of a second dwelling within the Single-Family Residential (RS) to bring the dwellings into CMC compliance Poura Investments, LLC Staff Report
12/13/20162552 E. Washington Street CUP 997-16 To approve an existing second dwelling unit located within RS (Residential, Single-Family) zoning district Richard Rodriguez Staff Report
12/13/201621126, 21140, 21212 S. Avalon Blvd and 640 E. 213th Street Conditional Use Permit No. 1016-16 To continue existing auction operations and other related uses on approximately 14.1 acres on a site zoned CA (Commercial, Automotive) Ken Porter Auctions Staff Report
12/13/201620950 Figueroa Street Design Overlay Review No. 1613-16 To remodel an existing Burger King restaurant and related site improvements in the SP-3 (Specific Plan No. 3) zoning district John Dodson of ADN Architects Staff Report
12/13/201620400 S. Main Street Variance No. 562-16 Variance for construction noise which will exceed the allowed noise levels at the Carson Reclamation Authority’s 157-acre site city of Carson Staff Report
12/13/201617455 Central Avenue Design Overlay Review No. 1615-16 To remodel an existing co-branded McDonald’s Restaurant in the CG-D (Commercial General – Design Overlay) zoning district McDonald’s Corporation, c/o Chris Stamps Staff Report
11/22/2016436 E. Pacific Street CUP 1007-16 Consider approval of a second dwelling within the Single-Family Residential (RS) to bring the dwellings into CMC compliance Poura Investments, LLC Staff Report
11/22/20162132-A E. Dominguez Street CUP 978-15 To store high-piled, non-regulated/regulated, combustible and flammable hazardous chemicals/poisons within an existing 254,000-square-foot warehouse building Inland Star Staff Report
11/22/201620920 Chico Street Design Overlay Review No. 1586-15, Conditional Use Permit and TPM 73914 To construct a new Dialysis clinic with approximately 11,500 square feet of floor area on a 0.74-acre parcel with ML-D (Manufacturing, Light with a Design Overlay) zone Davita Health Partners, LLC Staff Report
10/25/201621941 S. Avalon Blvd. DOR 1605-16 and VAR 560-16 To convert a vacant commercial building into a residential single-family dwelling with a new 2-car garage and a variance to reduce the front setback for the garage, located in an RS (Residential, Single-Family) zone Nery Matus Staff Report
10/25/20162132-A E. Dominguez Street Conditional Use Permit No. 978-15 PART ONE To store high-piled, non-regulated/regulated, combustible and flammable hazardous chemicals/poisons within an existing 254,000-square-foot warehouse building Inland Star Staff Report
10/25/20162132-A E. Dominguez Street Conditional Use Permit No. 978-15 PART TWO Staff Report
10/25/201621018 S. Main Street Design Overlay Review No. 1620-16 To construct a 2,800-square-foot, two-story office/warehouse building located in the ML-D (Light Manufacturing – Design Overlay) zone Hendrick Rouwenhorst Staff Report
10/25/201620848 Jamison Avenue Conditional Use Permit No. 1005-16 To construct a new 3,212-square-foot multiple single-family rental unit and attached two-car garage on an existing residential lot with one single-family unit in the RS (Residential, Single-family) zoned district Alfredo Perez Staff Report
10/25/2016101 W. Carson Street Interpretation of Uses Permitted, Vehicle Title Loan Use To consider an Interpretation of Use Permitted, Vehicle Title Loan Service, TitleMax city of Carson, Planning Division Staff Report
10/17/2016 Special Meeting of the Planning Commission. The City Council and the Carson Reclamation Authority will Conduct a Workshop on the Proposed Macerich Outlet Mall on 46 Acres within the 157-acre Carson Reclamation Agency Property.
10/11/2016citywide General Plan Amendment No. 98-16 This item is being referred back to staff and pulled from the agenda. Planning Division Staff Report
10/11/201617913 South Main Street Design Overlay Review No. 1610-16 To consider approval for construction of a new two-story, 8,500-square-foot office addition to an existing 34,074-square-foot industrial building located in the MH-D (Manufacturing, Heavy; Design Overlay) zoned district PacWest Properties, LLC, John Krappman Staff Report
09/27/20162132-A E. Dominguez Street Conditional Use Permit No. 978-15 To store high-piled, non-regulated/regulated, combustible and flammable hazardous chemicals/poisons within an existing 254,000-square-foot warehouse building
Inland Star Documents
Inland Star, c/o Michael Kelton Staff Report
09/27/2016 Continuation of Inland Star report Staff Report
09/27/2016 Continuation of Inland Star report Staff Report
09/13/2016200, 210, and 230 E. Alondra Blvd. Design Overlay Review No. 1603-16, General Plan Amendment No. 97-16, Zoning Change Case No. 174-16 To construct a new light industrial warehouse building with approximately 146,936 square feet of floor area including 14,600 square feet of office space on two existing parcels with a total area of 6.4 acres, a General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation for APN 6125014011 (Parcel 1) from Heavy Industrial to Light Industrial, change the zoning of Parcel 1 from MH-D (Manufacturing, Heavy, Design Overlay) to ML-D (Manufacturing, Light with a Design Overlay), and change the zoning of 6125014002 (Parcel 2) from ML (Manufacturing, Light) to ML-D (Manufacturing, Light with a Design Overlay) Clark Neuhoff Staff Report
09/13/2016 DEVELOPMENT PLANS for DOR 1603-16 Staff Report
08/23/2016citywide Zone Text Amendment 25-16 Recommend approval of Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding Discount Stores to the City Council City of Carson, Community Development Department/Planning Division Staff Report
08/23/2016citywide Zone Text Amendment 26-16 Recommend approval of Proposed Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding Convenience Stores, Automobile Service Stations, and freestanding signs to the City Council City of Carson, Community Development Department/Planning Division Staff Report
08/23/201621941 South Avalon Boulevard Design Overlay Review No. 1605-16 and Variance No. 560-16 This project is being referred back to staff. To convert a vacant commercial building with new attached 2-car garage into a residential single- family home and a variance to reduce a parking setback for a lot located in a RS (Residential, Single-Family) zone Nery Matus Staff Report
08/09/201621235 Bolsa Street DOR 1611-16 An 834.28-s.f. second floor addition on top of an existing 1312-s.f. single-family dwelling with a new 399-s.f. detached two-car garage Miguel A. Rodriguez Staff Report
08/09/2016 Architectural Plans for 21235 Bolsa Street Staff Report
07/26/2016various Visioning of Six Planning Areas Discuss and consider the Vision Plan for the 640 acres surrounding the 157-acre former Cal Compact site city of Carson, Planning Division Staff Report
07/12/2016402 E. Sepulveda Boulevard Extension of Time for Design Overlay Review No. 1569-15 Construction of a new mixed use project consisting of 65 affordable senior residential units and 3,000 commercial square feet of commercial uses. Affirmed Housing Staff Report
07/12/201621350 S. Alameda Street DOR No. 1581-15; CUP No. 983-15; VAR No. 558-15 To legalize an existing 50-foot high major telecommunications facility designed as a pine tree in the ML-D (Manufacturing, Light; Design Overlay) zone. Black & Veatch Staff Report
06/14/2016831 Pacific Avenue Design Overlay Review No. 1608-16 New 1,584-square-foot, single-story, single-family residence with an attached two-car garage on a 40-foot by 114-foot lot E.B.E. Assoc., Inc. Staff Report
06/14/20162250 E. Dominguez Street Conditional Use Permit No. 988-15 To approve a CUP for a truck yard operation on a site located in the MH (Manufacturing Heavy) zoned district Michael Volk, AIA Staff Report
06/14/201621350 S. Alameda Street Design Overlay Review No. 1581-15; Conditional Use Permit 983-15 and VAR 558-15 To approve an existing 50-foot high unmanned telecommunications facility designed as a pine tree in the ML-D (Manufacturing, Light; Design Overlay) zone Black & Veatch Staff Report
06/14/20161802-1832 E. Carson Street Design Overlay Review No. 1599-16 and CUP 1000-16 To consider approval of a new 1,500-square-foot Starbucks restaurant with a drive-through and a shared parking agreement in an existing multi-tenant commercial center located in the CG-D (Commercial, General; Design Overlay) zoned district GreenbergFarrow Staff Report
06/14/201616100 S. Avalon Boulevard Design Overlay Review No. 1602-16 and DUP 998-16 To construct a new three-story public self-storage building consisting of rental storage units, office and a caretaker’s unit, including related site improvements Bryan Miranda for Public Storage Staff Report
05/24/2016citywide Workshop to discuss and consider standards in response to recently adopted moratoriums on convenience stores, gasoline stations, and discount store Discuss and consider standards for Convenience Stores, Discount Stores and Gasoline Stations city of Carson, Planning Division Staff Report
05/10/201620700 Avalon Boulevard Design Overlay Review No. 1540-15 (This number should correctly reflect '1590-15') To reconfigure a portion of the SouthBay Pavilion Mall to create a 16,691-square-foot space for a new tenant by removing a portion of the existing food court and modifications to the mall common area and the exterior of the building at a site zoned CR-D-MUR (Commercial, Regional-Design Overlay Review-Mixed Use Residential) VCG SouthBay Pavilion, LLC, Attn: Jerry Garner Staff Report
05/10/20161281 University Drive Design Overlay Review No. 1579-15 and Variance No. 557-15 Construction of a new 47,920-square-foot neighborhood retail center on a property zoned SP-2-CN (Specific Plan No. 2, Neighborhood Commercial) Ralph Deppisch Staff Report
04/26/201617700 S. Avalon Blvd. Ext. of Time for Mod. 3 to SUP 106-74 A one-year time extension for permitting an additional 21 mobile home spaces to an existing 404-unit mobile home park (Colony Cove Mobile Estates) -- Part I Nader Qo borsi Staff Report
04/26/2016100-180 W. Carson Street Modification No. 1 to DOR No. 468-89 A proposed façade remodel of an existing commercial center, reconfiguration of the parking lot, and addition of landscaping located on a property in the MU-CS (Mixed-Use - Carson Street) zone McKently Malak Architects, Inc. Staff Report
04/26/2016 Part II Staff Report
04/12/20161281 University Drive Design Overlay Review No. 1579-15 and Variance No. 557-15 Construction of a new 47,920-square-foot neighborhood retail center on a property zoned SP-2-CN (Specific Plan No. 2, Neighborhood Commercial) Ralph Deppisch Staff Report
03/22/20162657 E. Monroe Street, APN 7308014040 Zone Change No. 175-16 Consider approval of a zone change from Commercial General (CG) to Multiple-Family Residential (RM-25) to bring the zoning into conformance with the General Plan designation of High Density Residential City of Carson, Planning Dept. Staff Report
03/22/201624200 S. Main Street Design Overlay Review No. 1584-15 To construct interior and exterior building modifications, site and landscape improvements Dave O. Roberts Staff Report
03/08/201623401 S. Main Street Conditional Use Permit No. 999-16 To authorize operation of a massage services business located in the CG-D (Commercial General, Design Overlay) zoning district Aimee Minh Thy Huynh Staff Report
03/08/201622303 S. Avalon Boulevard Conditional Use Permit No. 996-16 Construction of a new electronic message center sign for the approved Bellagio car wash FN Property Investments Staff Report
02/23/2016citywide Community Meeting Guidelines Workshop city of Carson, Planning Staff Report
02/23/2016citywide Discussion of Single-Family Neighborhood Development Issues workshop city of Carson Staff Report
01/26/201622020 Recreation Road Modification No. 1 to Conditional Use Permit No. 962-14 To delete Condition of Approval No. 13 requiring removal of an existing billboard prior to issuance of a building permit for a digital LED display pylon sign, located in the CA (Commercial, Automotive) zoning district. To be continued. Car Pros Kia of Carson Staff Report
01/26/201621803 Neptune Avenue Conditional Use Permit No. 993-15 To approve a conditional use permit for an existing second dwelling unit located within the RS (Residential, Single-Family) zoning district Steve Szeto Staff Report
01/26/201620807 Margaret Street Conditional Use Permit No. 924-12 To approve a conditional use permit for an existing second dwelling unit located within the RS (Residential, Single-Family) zoning district Henry Espiritu Staff Report
01/12/2016853 E. Realty Street DOR 1589-15 A 675-square-foot first floor addition and a 675-square-foot second floor addition to an existing 888-square-foot single-family dwelling with a detached two-car garage Jose Mora Staff Report
01/12/201622020 Recreation Road Mod. 1 to CUP 962-14 To delete Condition of Approval No. 13 requiring removal of an existing billboard prior to issuance of a building permit for a digital LED display pylon sign, located in the CA (Commercial, Automotive) zoning district Car Pros Kia, Ken Phillips Staff Report
01/12/201621100 S. Main Street DOR 1601-15 To construct a 2,522-square-foot, two-story warehouse and office building in the ML-D (Manufacturing Light – Design Overlay) zoning district Oscar Sanchez, Ideal Designs Staff Report
01/12/201620700 S. Avalon Blvd. CUP 971-15 Consider to sell beer and wine for onsite consumption within a movie theater at the SouthBay Pavilion (refer back to staff) Century Theatres, Inc. Staff Report
01/12/201620700 S. Avalon Blvd. DOR 1540-15 To remove an existing food court, including 7,392 square feet of common eating area and replace it with a large retail tenant in the CR-MUR-D (Commercial, Regional – Mixed Use Residential-Design Overlay) zone (refer back to staff) Jerry Garner, VCG SouthBay Pavilion Staff Report

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